Event color

This is a guide about event colors.

Table of Contents

Change event color (change for each calendar)

If you want to change the color of the event on a calendar basis, you can do so by following the steps below.

  1. Open minical
  2. Tap the Calendar button at the top right of the screen
  3. Tap the i button of the calendar whose color you want to change
  4. Change color
  5. Tap the check button on the bottom right

*Similar to the iOS calendar app, you cannot change the color of the "Suggestions from Siri" and "Birthdays" calendars.

Change event color (change for each event)

If you want to color-code the events of the same calendar in minical, you can change it from the following steps.

  1. Open minical
  2. Tap the event you want to change the color
  3. Tap Calendar
  4. Tap Color


  • Event color set in minical will be reflected only in minical.
  • Event color information is saved in iCloud. Please take over the data with iCloud when changing your device.
