Sync events

This is a guide that summarizes how to deal with problems related to displaying and synchronizing events.


  • Events disappear
  • iPhone and iPad not syncing
  • Slow event sync
  • Certain appointments are not displayed
  • Unable to connect Google Calendar
Table of Contents

minical does not delete or modify your events without permission.
For minical to retrieve your events correctly, they must be properly displayed in the iOS default Calendar app.
We have summarized common cases below. Please check the settings and ensure that your events appear correctly in the iOS Calendar app.

1. Is the Sync setting set to "All Events"?

There is a possibility that the sync period of the event in the setting of iOS is shortened, such as the latest one month ago. Settings Please check the calendar sync settings of the Setting App Icon app

  1. Open the Settings Setting App Icon app
  2. (For iOS 18 or later) Tap "Apps"
  3. Tap "Calendar" Setting Calendar Icon
  4. Tap "Sync"
  5. Tap "All Events"

Reference: Apple Support - If your iCloud Contacts, Calendars, or Reminders won’t sync

2. Is iCloud calendar enabled?

  1. Open the Settings Setting App Icon app
  2. Tap your name at the top of the screen *If your iPhone displays Sign in, sign in with your Apple ID.
  3. Tap "iCloud" Setting iCloud Icon
  4. Tap "See All" (or "Show All")
  5. Confirm that "iCloud Calendar" Setting Calendar Icon is turned on

3. Calendar account settings

If the external calendar you want to display, such as iCloud, Google Calendar, or Outlook, is not in minical, please check the Settings Setting App Icon app settings.

  1. Open the Settings Setting App Icon app
  2. (For iOS 18 or later) Tap "Apps"
  3. Tap "Calendar" Setting Calendar Icon
  4. Tap "Accounts" (Calendar Accounts)
  5. Tap "Add Account" and follow the instructions to add an external calendar account.
If you already have your account

If you already have your account, make sure that "Calendar" is turned on in each account's settings screen.

Reference: iPhone User Guide - Set up multiple calendars on iPhone

4. Fetch New Data

  1. Open the Settings Setting App Icon app
  2. (For iOS 18 or later) Tap "Apps"
  3. Tap "Calendar" Setting Calendar Icon
  4. Tap "Accounts" (Calendar Accounts)
  5. Tap "Fetch New Data"
  6. Confirm that the "FETCH" at the bottom of the screen is set to "Automatically"
Event synchronization is slows

If your events are slow to sync, turn on Push. Compared to fetch, battery life is worse, but events can be synced faster.

5. Forced reload with iOS calendar app

Even if the synchronization settings are correct, it is rare that the synchronization is not performed correctly. You may be able to solve the problem by forcibly reloading the iOS calendar app.

  1. Open the Apple "Calendar" app
  2. Tap "Calendars" at the bottom of the screen
  3. Pull the screen down to refresh

6. Permission to access the calendar

  1. Open the Settings Setting App Icon app
  2. (For iOS 18 or later) Tap "Apps"
  3. Tap minical
  4. Make sure Calendars is turned on (Full Access if using iOS 17+)

7. Display settings in minical

Please check if the calendar display setting is enabled in minical.

  1. Open minicalMinical App Icon
  2. Tap the Calendar Calendar Icon button at the top right of the screen
  3. Confirm that a check is on the left side of the calendar you want to display.

8. Restart your device

9. Update minical

Please check if the latest version of minical is installed on the App Store.

10. If you can't solve the problem

minical gets the same appointments as the iOS calendar. In order to isolate the cause, please check if the event is displayed in the iOS calendar app.

If there are no events in the iOS calendar app

It is not a problem of minical, but there may be a problem with the collaboration between the calendar service where the appointment is saved and iOS. By default, minical's appointments are stored in iCloud (unless it is linked with Google Calendar, etc.). Please check the support site of each company of the linked calendar service.